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‘Inspired by the Canterbury Tales, this satire finds American Christians facing the reality of the Holy Land. Israeli hardlinersNo satiric novel about the Middle East could please all readers, of course, but Reed’s approach is smart and sensitive, even as he gleefully satirizes the relationship between American evangelicals.” Editor’s Pick, BookLife/Publisher’s Weekly

“A must-read for anyone who loves the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and possesses a love for the Jewish people and for the land of Israell.”
Sue Garland, Blogger, Christian Novel Review

“A really fun read!” Dave Hohl, Silicon Valley Software Engineer



What’s in the Pipeline 1?

South Sudan is the world’s newest country, created in 2011 out of Arab Muslim Sudan after almost 20 years of civil war. A majority of the people are Christian. The nation also produces large amounts of oil. However, because of civil wars and social turmoil, South Sudan, as of 2019, ranks third-lowest in the latest UN World Happiness Report and third lowest on the Global Peace Index.

Salva Kiir has served as president of the country since its founding. I have contracted with Mr. Kiir’s offices to write a book that will combine his biography with the story of the SPLA, the Sudan People’s Liberation Army, the army that won independence from Sudan under Mr. Kiir’s leadership.


What’s in the Pipeline 2?

I’m collaborating with Pastor Tesfai Tesema to tell the story of the doctoral research which led him to become a modern Mordecai, working with North American Ethiopian congregations to identify and empower the Esthers in their congregations.

Tesfai’s forthcoming book (tentative title: For Such a Time: Gen Two Ethiopians and the Gospel) features a research survey of twenty-five Ethiopian Americans and in-depth interviews with three Ethiopian second-generation pastors. It’s a must-read for immigrant parents and Christian leaders who wonder what to do with their children, who love hamburgers and French Fries more than injera bread and Key wat.

Click here to read an excerpt from the spring edition of the journal, Lutheran Mission Matters.

Ken Yoder Reed

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